2022-02-12 - Kengla, Kerry, Caren

 18th December 2022 at 7:57pm

~3.7 mi @ ~22 min/mi

"Binoculars and bird guides!" A box on the Kengla House Nature Center front doorstep holds educational aids. 🦘 and 🦄 meet at dawn to explore the Kengla Trail.

"GOT MUD? Tracks on the ground, turn around! Stay off the trails when wet or muddy!" warns a sign at the trailhead. Look upwards at the InterCounty Connector (ICC) underpass to see the bridge where 🐰 looked downwards a month ago (2022-01-11 - Eye See Icy). Pause for pics of graffiti, and miss the markers showing where to ford the stream to the west bank. Turn back at Norbeck Meadows Park. Share mindful conversation about horses, friends, and life.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2022-03-15